
The simple answer to your question, dear visitor, is to us a mystery. Gavin, our enigmatic protagonist, is as alive as the spark of curiosity that brought you here or as dead as the depths of grief and despair that led you to venture to this small corner of the interwebs.

Let’s be clear unless we’ve started tracking every pet fish named Gavin (which, rest assured, we haven’t); this site doesn’t follow the specific Gavin you might be wondering about. It could be your colleague Gavin, celebrity Gavin, or even Gavin, your one-time Scrabble adversary. If Gavin has, in fact, died would he have time to update this website? We think not.

But since you’ve landed here, why not stay awhile? You see, the whole “is Gavin dead” conundrum isn’t a typical one, is it? But hey, it brought you here, and if we know one thing about the Internet, it’s that it’s full of unexpected surprises!

Life’s a beautiful, complex web of Gavins and their unique narratives. Somewhere, your Gavin might be sipping his coffee, blissfully unaware of his sudden internet stardom. Even if he’s crossed over, he lingers in your memories, immortalized in the photos stored on your device.

Remember this: Gavin, whoever and wherever he may be, lives on in the unpredictable beauty of the internet, and more poetically, in the cherished moments you shared.

So, until our next rendezvous, stay curious, stay unique, and stay you. That’s what Gavin would want.

P.S. If you’ve come here seeking closure for a Gavin who’s recently passed, you won’t find it online. Instead, seek it in what brought him joy, and know he’s there with you, Gav in spirit.